Supplier full body protection – PT Weldbro International adalah perusahaan terpercaya dalam penyediaan perlengkapan keselamatan kerja di Indonesia yang berlokasi di Komplek Bintang Raya, JL Bintang Raya No.11 Blok C, Sadai, Kec. Bengkong, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau – Indonesia. Kami berdedikasi untuk menghadirkan produk perlindungan tubuh terbaik untuk berbagai industri, terutama di sektor yang menghadapi […]
Author Archives: Administrator
Seputar Distributor Alat Safety di Batam Batam – PT WELDBRO INTERNATIONAL adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang komersial dan supplier industrial. Perusahaan ini juga selaku distributor alat pelindung diri / APD terlengkap dan telah terotorisasi. PT WELDBRO INTERNATIONAL telah berdiri sejak tahun 2007 dan telah menjadi distributor yang terotorisasi dari berbagai macam brand safety berskala internasional, […]
Keamanan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) merupakan aspek yang sangat penting dalam dunia kerja. Upaya untuk menjaga kesejahteraan pekerja tidak hanya bertujuan untuk mematuhi peraturan dan undang-undang yang berlaku, tetapi juga untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang aman dan sehat. Dalam blog ini, kita akan membahas mengapa K3 begitu penting, dampak positifnya terhadap produktivitas, serta langkah-langkah praktis […]
BATAM – Pada 01 Agustus 2023 yang lalu telah dilakukan Pameran Indonesia Marine & Offshore Expo (IMOX) 2023 yang menjadi ajang tukar pikiran dan perluas pasar industri shipyard bagi perusahaan lokal dengan negara lain dalam bidang maritim di Indonesia khususnya Batam. Pada pameran edisi keenam dari Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia (Kadin) Batam dan PT […]
The Portwest A722 Anti Impact Glove perform excellently in applications such as engineering, machinery use and construction. They are fitted with a reinforced thumb crotch and a number of flexible PVC impact pods that guarantee outstanding protection, most suitable for use in heavy duty applications. During heavy duty applications, it is important to consider the risk of […]
Is shoe even important? Yes, it is! How can you walk the road without wearing a shoe? In fact, we must look for shoes with high stats for defense, to protect our precious toe from all the evil out there. And maybe protect the sole of your foot from Lego. Let us take our Rhino Shoes […]
A huge fire occurred in the PT PCI Elektronik International Batam building, Tuesday, June 7, 2022 night located in the Panbil Industrial area. PT PCI Elektronik Internasional is a subsidiary of PCI Limited which is engaged in electronics manufacturing and has 25 years of experience. PCI limited offers services for global OEMs, design and manufacturing […]
Safety fundamentals is Caterpillar term for a well-defined set of processes and behaviors that organizations require to be operating at a strong safety level, beyond basic safety. At this level, Caterpillar no longer struggling to meet compliance requirements and safety responsibilities are assigned and understood. An organization with good safety fundamentals has a strong foundation […]
History of Bullard Bullard traces its heritage back to 1898 in San Francisco where Edward Dickinson Bullard supplied essential equipment to gold and copper miners. His son, E.W. Bullard, returned from World War I, and began a relentless pursuit to understand his customers and the problems they faced working in dangerous mines. In 1919, the Hard […]
ULTITEC 1000FR is made of multi-layer nonwoven fabric with an added flame retardant treatment that is EN ISO 14116 Index 1 certified. It provides limited flame spread protection when working in an environment with sparks, such as welding. There are also other potentially flammable or chemical exposed conditions, such as in the petrochemical industry. Frontline […]