Choose the right glove : Prevent injuries

Hand injuries are a real danger in any workplace. Manufacturing and industrial facilities are more likely to be affected by hand injuries, but any worker in any industry can be affected. Understanding the basics and following top hand safety tips is a great way to protect yourself. The best protection is prevention.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, hands are one of the most commonly injured body parts at work (next to your back). If workers are aware of the risks of work environment, it is advisable not to harm yourself or others.

Identify potential risks by knowing the main risks to watch out for.

Be aware of the risk of hand injuries in the work environment

  1. Individuals: The risks posed by what you may be wearing are considered personal risks. This can be a watch, ring, clothing, or even incompatible personal protective equipment.
  2. Mechanical: Mechanical hazards include certain moving parts that can catch, or cut your hands or fingers. It can also cause objects to fall and crush your hands or cause other damage.
  3. Contact: Anything that comes into contact with your hand, such as chemicals, high temperatures, or sharp edges, is at risk of injury. Due to the variety of objects and situations involved, the danger of contact causes most accidents in the workplace.

Find out about hand safety guidelines at work

Employers need to find a way to minimize the risk. Therefore, hand safety training should be conducted.

  1. Worker Education, effective hand safety means having current and readily available documentation for equipment, work protocols, and emergency response.
  2. Equipment Use, beyond a manual, workers should be shown how to handle equipment they will use and be around.
  3. Supportive staff, this involves an administrative staff that supports a workplace culture of safety and helps minimize risks for everyone.

Choose the right glove and wear the right hand protection clothing

When using hand PPE, it is especially important to know what, when and how to do it.

  1. Which type of gloves is best for your job?
  2. When should I use gloves?
  3. How do gloves fit and need care?

Take personal responsibility to avoid injury

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the good news about this statistic is that the longer an employee stays at work, the lower the injury rate. However, dangerous behavior does not always change with experience and age. Our behavior changes only when our own personal safety thinking, feelings, beliefs and priorities change.

You can show others that you value your personal safety and take responsibility for it at work by:

  1. Getting involved: Make safety a personal thing for you by being active in the overall safety of your company.
  2. Committing to learning: Read up on and learn your company’s safety procedures. It is also true that we can do the opposite and positively influence workplace safety by displaying safer behavior. It also means reporting accidents and near-misses, so the company is made aware of any risks. Often, they’ve considered past accidents and injuries so that you can learn from others’ mistakes injury-free!

We all need to expect a working environment that will help avoid hand injuries, therefore choose the right glove. But in the end it’s up to us. By applying these hand safety tips, you will protect yourself as well as the people around you.

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